Monday, 12 December 2016

Charcoal to Whiten Teeth?

This is something I had seen floating around Pintrest and Instagram for quite a while now. But, with most things you find on social media, you have no real idea on who you can actually trust. Who's being sponsored? Who's lying? Who even cares, really? I decided to be brave and actually try something I had seen online. Everyone wants white teeth, but not everyone has hundreds of dollars to get them professionally whitened. Hell, I was hesitant to spend $60 on a whitening kit from my local drugstore. I decided to try this first. I purchased a bottle of Activated Charcoal from my local Shoppers Drug Mart. 90 capsules for only $9.99 (CDN$). I could try something for ten bucks. If it didn't work as a teeth whitening product, it is known to be very good for upset tummies. So really... I had nothing to lose.

It's really a simple process and you're done in ten minutes. Personally, I use a second toothbrush for this. You could use your everyday toothbrush, but it turns the bristles black. I also like to rinse my mouth with cold water first. Brushing your teeth with charcoal is a very dry activity, so I find the quick pre-rinse to really help move the product around just enough.

First, open up a capsule of activated charcoal. Be careful because black powder will get everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE). I like to do this with my toothbrush resting in the bowl of my sink and I open the capsule above it. Shake as much of the product as you can onto the bristles of your toothbrush. Be advised not to get the charcoal wet as you want it dry to brush into your teeth.

Slowly and carefully move the brush into your mouth and begin to brush your teeth as you normally would. Move the charcoal into your teeth for a minute or two and be sure to cover all teeth with the charcoal, especially at the front. That is where everyone will seem them gleaming! Be warned that your first instinct will be to either spit the powder out, cough, or swallow the powder you have as it becomes a liquid. Resist doing this as the charcoal needs to sit for about five minutes. This is the time you catch up on SnapChat stories, scroll Instagram, or read some Tweets. Your mouth will look a little scary, but I promise you it will not stay like this.

After five minutes, rinse your mouth out with water multiple times until the water runs clear. You may notice a few particles of charcoal left over. Now, just brush your teeth as you normally would with toothpaste.

This process won't dramatically whiten your teeth from yellow to white in one sitting, but I do believe it gets them a few shades whiter. I like to do this before big events such as holidays, weddings, etc. Below I have a photo of the before and after from doing this tonight. Note that these photos were taken within ten minutes of each other, in the same bathroom with the same lighting. I tried very hard to get the same angle as well to keep the results true.



Would I recommend this? Sure, I would. I already have to numerous people in my life. I've actually provided them with the charcoal, too. I mean, I do have 90 capsules. I wouldn't do this process every single night. I believe once a week should do the trick!

Hopefully this helps you to decide whether or not it's something you want to try. I really like it. It's easy, cost effective, and it works.

Do you have any other hacks you want me to try? Let me know! As always, you can find me on Twitter @cherrytrish17 or Instagram @cherrytrish. 

Until next time, goodnight my friends! 

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